
Newsletter Privacy


Dear interested party, we would like to to inform you that the “European Regulation 2016/679 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free movement of such data” (from now on “GDPR”) provides the protection of people and other subjects with respect to the processing of personal data by Susy Mix srl detected as “Owner” of the treatment, pursuant to article 13 of the GDPR, consequently, gives you the following information:

• DATA CATEGORIES: Susy Mix srl will process your personal and/or sensitive and health-related data that will be included in the form.

• SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: The personal data that will be possessed by Susy Mix are collected directly by the interested party while completing this form.

• DATA CONTROLLER: The data controller is Susy Mix srl – Via Livatino, 31 – 47521 Cesena (FC), CF and VAT number 02342280407, which can be contacted by phone on 051 6647204 or at the email address info@susymix.com.

• PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: The processing of your data, collected and stored in relation to the compilation of this form, has your consent as a legal basis and is performed for the following purposes: proceed with the subscription to the newsletter, send formative, informative and commercial communications, manage commercial profiling activities.

• RECIPIENTS OF THE DATA: Within the limits relevant to the processing purposes indicate, your data must be communicated as partners, consultancy companies, private companies, specified as managers of the Data Controller or for legal obligations or to fulfill these requests. Furthermore, they can be occasionally verified by the technical staff responsible for the maintenance of the servers where they are stored. The data will not be spread widely in any way. Managers and people in charge of the treatment are punctually identified in the Privacy Document, which is updated periodically.

• DATA TRANSFER ABROAD: The collected data can be hosted on servers allocated to the European Community and will not be transferred to foreign countries.

• PERIOD OF STORAGE: The data collected will be kept for a period of time not exceeding the attainment of the purposes for which they are processed (“principle of limitation of conservation”, art.5, GDPR) or according to the deadlines set by the rules of the law. The verification of the obsolescence of the data stored in relation to the purposes for which it was collected is performed periodically.

• RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY: The interested party has always the right to request the Data Controller to access your data, to correct or cancel them, to limit the treatment or to oppose the treatment, to request data portability, to withdraw consent to the processing by asserting these and the other rights provided by the GDPR through simple communication to the Data Controller. The interested party may also file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

• OBLIGATORY OR LESS OF DATA SUPPLY: We inform you that the provision of data is optional for some fields and for others (indicated by an asterisk) mandatory, while the failure to provide mandatory data means the form will NOT be sent.

• MANDATORY CONSENT: The provision of consent to the processing of data by means of a special tick is optional, but essential for proceeding with the sending of the form.

• DATA PROCESSING METHODS: The personal data you provide will be processed in accordance with the before mentioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations which inspire the activity of the Data Controller. The data will be processed both with IT tools and on paper and on any other type of suitable medium, in compliance with adequate technical and organizational security measures provided by the GDPR.